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Librarians Support Undergraduates in Their Research Projects

Students from the LEAP program were able to present their research to the University of Utah community on April 24th, 2023. Librarians from both the J. Willard Marriott Library and Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library (EHSL) attended as well to support the students at the event. “It’s their first opportunity to present research in a way that academics will do at conferences,” explained Donna Baluchi, EHSL Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion librarian. “It’s also a big celebration of the work they did over the year.” The campus-wide event took place in the Union Ballroom and was filled with rows of students presenting their findings in an academic setting. The topics of the presentations varied including many from the social sciences and STEM.

Donna Baluchi, (right) with infographic winners Rachel Holley (yellow) and Ella Haas (plaid). They were both a part of Dr. Rebecca Larsen’s LEAP Health Professions class (LEAP 1140-002).
LEAP student Piper Chenoweth (left) standing next to librarian Dale Larsen (right).
Librarian Shane Wallace (right) with students from Professor Rachel Borup’s Heath Professions LEAP class: Narrative Medicine.
What is LEAP?

According to their program website, LEAP is designed to help students succeed by encouraging them to “think analytically, creatively, and practically about issues important to the role of the citizen, both nationally and globally.” The program is primary a first-year learning community and is open to students in all majors and colleges. LEAP is situated in the Office of Undergraduate Studies and classes are are co-taught with librarians. Dale Larsen is a Marriott Librarian who teaches in the LEAP program. He noted that, “Librarians play a big role in partnering with students to do real academic library research, to become a power-user of all media (information literacy) and to be immersed in how different academic disciplines communicate their research.”

In the program, librarians are able to assist students over the course of five different class sessions. Baluchi describes her experience support students in their academic life through LEAP as “the most fulfilling part of her job.”

Have questions about the LEAP program? Send an email to either Dale Larsen or Donna Baluchi.

Librarian Alfred Mowdood poses with Professor Nora Wood and four students from the Health Professions LEAP 1140-009 and their poster about an ethical issue in health care.
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