Jun 23, 2020 Seven Great Books About Scholarly Publishing
Need help with your scholarly publishing? Allyson Mower, Head of Scholarly Communication & Copyright, has recommended the following titles to help you start!

Handbook for Academic Authors, 5th edition by Beth Luey
A great overview of scholarly book publishing (also includes journal publishing) that helps an author quickly know and understand what a publisher wants in terms of content, process, and communication.

What Editors Want : An Author’s Guide to Scientific Journal Publishing
by Philippa Benson and Susan Silver
From the very reliable University of Chicago Press comes this excellent guide that covers everything from how to find your niche to choosing the right journal.

Survive and Thrive in Academia
by Kate Woodthorpe
Very practical, straight-forward guide to managing all aspects of academic work life with helpful tips on developing a research identity and finding the right publications for your work.

English for Research Publication Purposes: Critical Plurilingual Pedagogies
by Karen Englander and James Corcoran
This book brings attention to the predominance of English as a default language for science and seeks to challenge this phenomenon by providing solid research on the experiences of plurilingual authors in disseminating new knowledge.

The Productive Graduate Student Writer : A Guide to Managing Your Process, Time, and Energy to Write Your Research Proposal, Thesis, and Dissertation, and Get Published
by Jan Allen
A fun, motivational book geared towards graduate students, but useful for any academic needing good guidance on writing and publishing (complete with a recipe for chocolate chip cake!).

Shadow Libraries: Access to Knowledge in Global Higher Education
edited by Joe Karaganis
If you want to delve even deeper into global aspects of scholarly publishing, this book provides a look at ways scholarly publications gets shared online beyond legitimate paywalls and access points—even coining the term ‘Russian pirate librarianship’—and shares how access to knowledge works in countries such as Argentina, South Africa, India, Poland, and Brazil.

Gaming the Metrics: Misconduct and Manipulation in Academic Research
edited by Mario Biagioli and Alexandra Lippman
This book argues that we have gone beyond the age of “publish or perish” and moved into the era of “impact or perish,” a culture that has precipitated new forms of post-production misconduct—such as citation rings (groups of authors who only cite each other) or inserting one’s name as a false author by hacking into a journal’s production system—as ways to raise one’s profile for advantage in employment and research funding.
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