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A New Look for Fine Arts & Architecture

By Luke Leither

The Katherine W. Dumke Fine Arts & Architecture Library had a facelift this Fall. The Fine Arts & Architecture Collection, housed within the library, is a limited access area that many people pass by without knowing. Hopefully, the hard work of the Marriott Library’s graphic design team will help to change that. Now, when you walk by the collection Showcase, you will see images from inside. The images have been combined in unique ways and are intended to help demonstrate the depth and scope of what is available. If any image happens to catch the eye, a closer look will reveal the title of the work and the artist’s name. To explore further, request any title from the collection at the Knowledge Commons desk for in-library use.

Additionally, the furniture within the Dumke Library has been rearranged to make our gallery space more usable for viewers and exhibitors. Soft seating has been placed near the gallery for viewers to enjoy the work on display, while still providing distance to protect the exhibition. This Fall, architecture professor Michael Abrahamson curated an exhibition on the work of architecture firm, Gunnar Birkerts and Associates. Gunnar Birkerts worked on a series of underground library renovations in the late 20th century, including the Marriott Library. The exhibition highlights these projects usings images, drawings, and sketches – providing insight into the Marriott Library’s unique and effective architectural interventions.

Please stop by Fine Arts & Architecture to enjoy the new elements and current exhibitions!

Luke Leither | Art & Art History Librarian
Creativity & Innovation Services / Fine Arts & Architecture Library

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