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“Well-behaved women seldom make history.” This is a quote written by Harvard history professor Laurel Thatcher Ulrich in 1976 in a scholarly article. The phrase went viral -- and can still be found today on t-shirts, mugs, and bumper stickers. In 2007 Ulrich went on...

My name is Robert Nelson and I am the Audio Projects Librarian. The Audio Studio, in the Marriott Library’s Faculty Center, was established to assist the University of Utah research and student community in the integration of digital learning objects into curriculum/course projects. The Audio Studio...

“…let my mind meditate upon it; let my tongue speak of it. Let my heart love it; let my mouth talk of it. Let my soul hunger for it; let my flesh thirst for it; let my whole being desire it…” OPERA Saint Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury...

This kind note came to us from a happy patron who was looking for proof that a particular meringue dessert actually had existed at one point in human history. After spending many hours unsuccessfully searching for the elusive meringue a la russe recipe, the patron,...