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By Tony Sams Every Thursday from 10 am - 12 pm, Creativity and Innovation offers an open lab to explore Virtual Reality. Come and try VR for the first time, play a game or two, try out a simulation, or bring your ideas and projects and...

Laudemus virum gloiosu(m) et parentem nostrum ardentissimam eius charitatem imitar-ri Let us praise the glorious man and our parent/founder; let us try to imitate his most ardent charity, conemus qui exaudi- vit paupieres vinctos in mendicitate et fe- rro. Salvavit eos de manu odientium et who heard the poor bound in poverty and by the sword; he saved them from the hand of those...

TJ Ferrill, Assistant Head of Creative Spaces, and his team in the library’s Creativity and Innovation Services Department, have been working with the School of Dentistry to incorporate augmented and virtual reality (VR) technology into their teaching and research....

Once again we eagerly anticipate the start of the fall semester and the arrival of students on campus. From students who are starting their first semester at the U to those who are returning, the campus comes alive with their excitement and enthusiasm....

The J. Willard Marriott Library has a new digital exhibit that highlights historical photographs of churches and other religious buildings in Salt Lake City. Digitized in recent years and accessible through the Marriott’s Digital Library, these photos come from several collections held by the library...