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The University of Utah’s J. Willard Marriott Library now through August 15 presents the exhibition “Path to the Pacific: Building the Transcontinental Railroad.” The public is welcome to enjoy a display of rare books, archival materials, and two gallery walls showcasing photographs and artistic works...

The Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads met at Promontory, Utah, one hundred fifty years ago. Andrew J. Russell’s meeting-of-the-railroads photograph “East and West Shaking Hands,” documented the momentous Golden Spike ceremony on May 10, 1869. This year Utah is celebrating the Golden Spike...

Since March is women’s history month, the Marriott Library is honoring women scientists with their unrequired reading exhibit. Unrequired reading exhibits feature materials, usually books, from the library’s collections concerning the monthly theme. This month, the Marriott Library is displaying books about and by women...