Jul 22, 2019 Book of the week — Mediaeval in Padua
Mediaeval in Padua
Russell Maret
New York City: Russell Maret, 2008
NK3630.6 I8 M37 2008 oversize
Illustrations printed on double leaves. Designed and letterpress printed by Russell Maret. Photographs were printed offset by Artale Graphics. Paper is Mohawk Superfine. Text is set in a new type designed specifically for this book by the author. The face is closely based on John Baskerville’s Great Printer typeface. Handsewn paper case binding with an extended spine hollow and printed dust jacket. Edition of two hundred and twenty-six copies. University of Utah copy is no. 53, signed by the author.
For more about Russell Maret and his newest book, “Character Traits” visit This Book is Now.
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