Dec 07, 2015 Catalyst for Creativity and Innovation
In this era of self-service—where books, videos, articles, software, and so much more are accessible from the convenience of our home computers and mobile devices—Marriott Library is able to provide core resources and services with greater ease and less day-to-day maintenance. As a result, we have the great opportunity to embrace new roles and contributions in support of the ever-changing needs of University of Utah faculty, staff, and students.
To guide us in those efforts, Marriott Library recently updated its five-year Strategic Direction (aligning it closely to the University’s Four Big Goals, as laid out in the 2015 Accreditation Self-Report). As one means to fulfill the first two of these Strategic Directions—to Promote Student Success to Transform Lives and to Develop & Transfer New Knowledge—the Marriott Library formed a new department: Creativity & Innovation Services.
Our department comprises previously existing units, employees, and services—Audio production studio, Video production studio, Geospatial Information Systems, 3D modeling and printing, Microcontroller programming, the Dumke Fine Arts & Architecture Library, and the Dumke Materials Collection. Individually, each boasts a history of service-driven, responsive, and enthusiastic support for UofU researchers and scholars.
Together, we will team up to expand the definition of librarianship, participate in scholarly entrepreneurship, and engage in collaborative partnerships with our campus and community. We will address increased demand for access and training on multimedia production tools, invest in resources to support entrepreneurial design, and explore transdisciplinary solutions to shared research interests. In short, we will be catalysts for creativity and innovation.
Over the next few weeks, this blog will feature introductions to each of the units within Creativity & Innovation Services. After that, we’ll begin to share the inspiring results of our current projects and partnerships.
Greg Hatch
Head of Creativity & Innovation Services
Source: Creativity and Innovation Services Department Blog
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