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“…King Montecuma accompanied with his Nobles, and those of the most distinguished Rank in his Court, entertain’d the Spaniards with all sorts of Divertisements, to testify how mightily they were pleased with their Arrival. The King’s Brother came to meet ’em with a splendid Retinue;...

“Somewhere within their walls shall all that forwards perfect human life be started, Tried, taught, advanced, visibly exhibited. Not only all the world of works, trade, products, But all the workmen of the world here to be represented.” — “Song of the Exposition,” Walt Whitman Moscow Alexander Rodchenko (1891 - 1956) Moscow...

Virescit vulnere virtus (Virtue grows stronger from being wounded) Orontii finei delphinatis, regii mathematicarvm professoris, de solaribus horologiis… Oronce Fine (1494-1555) Parisiis: apud Gulielmum Cauellat, 1560 First edition QB215 F55 1560 Oronce Fine was the son of a physician who drew, in part, upon astrology for his medicine, as was the...