Jan 30, 2019 Medieval Latin Hymn Fragment, Part C: “…at his right hand bees miraculously erected a honeycomb of honey.”
dextera eius apes favu(m) mellis mirabiliter ex- truxerunt. Ps(almus) Beat(us) vir qui non abiit...
dextera eius apes favu(m) mellis mirabiliter ex- truxerunt. Ps(almus) Beat(us) vir qui non abiit...
Laudemus virum gloiosu(m) et parentem nostrum ardentissimam eius charitatem imitar-ri Let us praise the glorious man and our parent/founder; let us try to imitate his most ardent charity, conemus qui exaudi- vit paupieres vinctos in mendicitate et fe- rro. Salvavit eos de manu odientium et who heard the poor bound in poverty and by the sword; he saved them from the hand of those...
(ab infantia mea crevit miseratio et ab utero) ...
Tuesday, February 12 6:00PM Alta Club 100 East South Temple Salt Lake City, Utah A Rare Book Rogue in Texas: The Crimes and Misdemeanors of Johnny Jenkins In 1975, John Jenkins engineered the largest rare book coup of the twentieth century – the purchase of the legendary Eberstadt inventory of rare...
“…by an ever greater and greater desire, the soul keeps rising constantly to another that lies ahead, and thus it makes its way through ever higher regions towards the Transcendent.” Divi Gregorii, episcopie Nysseni, fratris Basilii Magni, opera quae adipisci licuit omnia...
"They who sow courtesy reap friendship, and they who plant kindness gather love." -- St Basil the Great Commentaries St. Gregory (325?- & St. Basil (329-379) 9th c. AH/15th c. CE This manuscript, written on polished laid paper, is an Arabic translation from a Greek or Coptic original of...
(Dominus dixit ad me: Fill-) us meus es tu. Ego hodie genu- i te. Ps(alm). Quare fre-(muerunt gentes) In sole posuit...
(orbis terraru(m) erat subdit(us) illi Ps(alm) Domini est t(erra) Euouae V. Exquirebant pue- rum Maria et Joseph Re. Inter cognotoes et notos exin Pastores in- venerunt Mari- the world/universe was subject to him. The earth is the Lord's...
“At Riverside, Connecticut, between the road and the river, lies an acre of land, long and narrow and tilted up a little toward the west, so that the dwellers by the road at the top may look across the valley to the setting sun. Half...
V. Os nu(n)c de ossibus meis et caro de carn(e) mea. R. Fortitudo et decor indume(n)tum eius: byssus et purpura...