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On Fridays throughout last spring semester, a casual observer could often walk by a table and see several people hunched over single pieces of paper, drawing, writing, and folding them into miniature publishing masterpieces called zines. Zines, pronounced zeens, are independently-made publications. The word comes...

Catherine Mayes, Professor of Musicology at the University of Utah, and Emily H. Green, Assistant Professor of Music at George Mason University, co-edited the new publication Consuming Music: Individuals, Institutions, Communities, 1730-1830. A collection of essays examining the consumer distribution of music in the eighteenth...

The American Library Association’s  ALA Editions published a collection of essays, articles, white papers, and lectures entitled Libraries, Leadership, and Scholarly Communication: Essays by Rick Anderson, which recently received a starred review in Library Journal. Anderson, who serves as Associate Dean for Collections &...