Jul 09, 2020 Need help with setting-up your course research assignments?
Need help with setting-up your course research assignments? Our librarians can help! Or maybe you’re working on your capstone project. Librarians have created plug-and-play pages to help faculty as well as undergraduate and graduate students with their teaching and research. Visit their Marriott Library Online One-Stop Resource page to see their work and see how the library can help with your research.
From this main page, the librarian team of Lorelei Rutledge, Alfred Mowdood, Tallie Casucci, and Donna Ziegenfuss, have created several other pages catered to specific needs. One such module was in support of the students at the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute. On the usability of this page, Anne Bastien, Program Director of Lassonde, said, “That was so helpful. [It was] clear, warm and easy to follow. I am happy to share any/all resources with these students and encourage them to use them over time. Truly, I appreciate your dedicated partnership and support of Lassonde students!”
Their page entitled “Library Resources for Student-Athletes“ supports students, with a specific lean toward student athletes.
“No one in the Pac-12 cares more about the student-athletes than [Alfred & Tallie]!” explained Mary Chris Finnigan , the Director of Academic Services for Student Athlete Support. “You give us the tools to help our students be successful, so you are a big part of our record-breaking semester and ongoing success!”
Lorelei Rutledge, lorelei.rutledge@utah.edu
Tallie Casucci, tallie.casucci@utah.edu
Alfred Mowdood, alfred.mowdood@utah.edu
Donna Ziegenfuss, donna.ziegenfuss@utah.edu
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