Mar 15, 2018 Family-Friendly Spaces on the University of Utah Campus
Are you seeking one of the many family-friendly spaces available on the University of Utah campus? This mapping application was developed to assist individuals in just that way, offering a resource for easily identifying, locating, and visualizing spaces available to the University community. #MapMonday
Family-Friendly Spaces on the University of Utah Campus
Through a collaborative partnership involving the Center for Child Care and Family Resources and the J. Willard Marriott Library’s GIS Services unit, an interactive mapping application was developed in an effort to aid students, staff, faculty, and visitors of the University of Utah in locating family-friendly spaces available across campus, including lactation rooms and diaper changing areas. The application will be embedded within the Center for Child Care and Family Resources website, offering access to the continually updated information across multiple devices.
Through the user-friendly interface, the mapping application allows viewers to identify buildings containing family-friendly spaces through images selectable on the left while visualizing selected locations through the interactive satellite imagery on the right. Each of the selectable buildings provides additional information regarding the facility including: detailed information about the available spaces, information and slideshow images for identification and location within the building, and any restrictions for each space that may apply. Additionally, viewers can utilize the location capabilities of their smartphone or tablet devices to identify their current location on campus and visualize the distance to the nearest available family-friendly space.
This mapping application is an example of the University of Utah’s commitment to our students, staff, and faculty, demonstrating how collaborative partnerships (such as this involving the Center for Child Care and Family Resources and the J. Willard Marriott Library) produce meaningful and beneficial resources within the University community.
About Map of the Weeks from GIS Services:
Throughout the semester, GIS Services will continue releasing bi-weekly maps on a variety of topics for the purpose of demonstrating ideas and uses for incorporating geospatial technology into research and projects you are developing. To view our collection of maps, projects or to learn about the geospatial services offered through the Marriott Library, please visit the GIS Services website @ www.lib.utah.edu/services/geospatial
Happy Mapping!
Justin Sorensen | GIS Specialist
Creativity & Innovation Services / GIS Services
justin.sorensen@utah.eduCreativity and Innovation Services Blog
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