Nov 19, 2019 Grit, Endurance, and Smarts: Key Elements for Student Success

“We learned how to search the library databases, which was extremely valuable.”
Balancing the demands of a full-time job and college takes grit, which this student clearly possesses. As a junior with a double major – Spanish and also Health, Society, and Policy – Dominique knows how to employ hard work, tenacity, and intelligence to reach her goals. She also is a huge fan of the library.
Dominique has been a library user since she came to campus as a freshman. “I am in the library every day that I’m on campus,” says Dominique. “I use Course Reserves; I check out equipment from the Student Computing Desk; I use the Writing Center.” She says she even checks-out books and always makes it to the book sale each semester.
Interestingly, Dominique remembers taking a class taught by a librarian her very first semester. She relays that she learned how to use library resources such as online databases and journals.
“When I first started at the U, I took a LEAP class that was taught by a librarian. We learned how to search the library databases, which was extremely valuable,” explains Dominique. “And… I now use the databases when I’m researching because I know I’m getting the best quality and I love how I can refine searching to get exactly what I need.”
While this young lady is an undergraduate, certainly she has the maturity and focus of a graduate student. “I know it will take me longer than four years to graduate because I am working full-time and therefore I’m not taking a full course load. But I stay optimistic because I know I’ll have a career I love in the long run.”
Dominique is interested in pursuing a career in medical administration. Watch for her!

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