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Our Heartfelt Thanks to the Rosenblatt Family

Brothers Toby and Norm Rosenblatt (photo above)

The Special Collections Department has recently received a wonderful contribution of papers, scrapbooks, photographs, letters, and ephemera from the Rosenblatt family.

Evelyn and Joseph Rosenblatt

The Rosenblatt family legacy dates back to the 1880’s when Nathan Rosenblatt fled anti-Semitic Russia to make his way in America, landing in Salt Lake City. He founded the family business which came to be known as EIMCO Corporation, an industry pioneer in mining equipment. His son Joseph took over in 1926 after graduating from the University of Utah.

Industrialism is only part of the Rosenblatt story, however. A member of the Jewish faith and an impassioned community leader, Joe Rosenblatt served on numerous charitable boards. He felt strongly about improving relations between members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and those of other religious and cultural backgrounds in Utah. His and his family’s altruism touched countless charitable, community, and educational organizations, including the University of Utah.

“This contribution is a reflection of the family’s deep roots in the community, their vibrant entrepreneurism, and their belief in philanthropy,” explains Gregory Thompson, Associate Dean for Special Collections. “Each and every piece in this collection tells the story of this amazing family and their lasting contributions.”

This expansive collection is currently being catalogued and will be available to the public by the end of the year.

Two interesting letters from 1950: Albert Einstein’s letter to Joe Rosenblatt requesting a donation for a project he was heading up and Mr. Rosenblatt’s response committing a financial donation.

This collection is being processed currently and won’t be open to the public until the end of 2017.

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