May 06, 2024 It’s All For U
Dean’s Message, May 2024
It’s always exciting to see our students in caps and gowns, families by their sides, wide smiles on their faces. And it’s rewarding to know how the library has impacted and supported students all throughout their studies. Here are a few highlights from the library!
Stress Buster Week: This initiative brings support and activities from campus units such as the Counseling Center and the Learning Center to students during the final exams timeframe. This year we reached 4,600 students and had nine campus partners.
The Alison Regan Library Thesis Awards: Each year the library awards two to three undergraduate students for their Honors Program theses. Read about the three amazing students and their research.
LEAP Symposium: The LEAP Program is designed to help students transition to college and be academically successful. Each student is assigned their own librarian to help guide them during their first year. Librarians also teach classes within the LEAP Program – everything from Health Inequities to Engineering for Minority Students in STEM.
Bench 2 Bedside: Each year the Marriott Library and the Eccles Health Sciences Library bestow a $5,000 award to one of the student teams who have developed a medical innovation through the U’s Bench to Bedside Program. And the winner is…!

Sarah L. Shreeves
Alice Sheets Marriott Dean of Libraries
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