Jan 29, 2019 Medieval Latin Hymn Fragment, Part B: “Let us praise the glorious man…”
virum gloiosu(m)
et parentem nostrum
ardentissimam eius
charitatem imitar-ri
Let us praise the
glorious man
and our parent/founder; let us try
to imitate his most ardent
conemus qui exaudi-
vit paupieres vinctos
in mendicitate et fe-
rro. Salvavit eos
de manu odientium et
who heard the
poor bound
in poverty and by the sword;
he saved them
from the hand of those hating them and…
redemit eos de mani-
bus inimicorum. Te(m)p(ore) Pashali
Cant(icum) Mag(nificat) Alleluia
Ad Matutinim invitat(io)
he redeemed them from the hands of their enemies.
Song “Magnificat” Alleluia
Invitation/Summons to Matins
ptore(m) dominum
Venite adore-
mus. Ps. Venit(e) Hy(mnu)s
Voce concordi so-boles
Come, let us adore
the Lord Redeemer.
Psalm. Come…Hymn
With harmonious heart
(so)boles beati gloriam
patris resonare perge. I-
pse quas laudes ca-
nimus benigno corde
sequatur quem deo
pronum gregis
proceed that your offspring may
resound the glory of the blessed father.
Let he himself continue
the praises that we sing
with a benign heart whom
offering the first of the flock to God
offerente(me) vota capti-
vi lacrymis fluente(me). Vir-
go dignatur recreare
ore sereno. Indicat c(a)e-
lo cui lapsa virgo Re(m)
sibi grat(m) fore filioque
virginis matris sacer
offering vows for the captive,
flowing with tears for the captive.
The virgin deigns
to revive the sad
with a serene face. The virgin,
fallen from heaven, indicates
that the affair would be pleasing to her
and to the Son of the virgin mother let
the sacred
ordo si quis nomine
surgat. Impiger
paret Domi-
n(a)e mone(n)ti
Se suam quarti sobole(m)-
que voti, charitas nu(m)qua(m)
pio q(uo) tepescat nexibus urget.
Gloria patri genit(ae)-
que proli rite dicamus
order arise in her name. Let the diligent
get ready for the Lord advising him
and his offspring of the fourth vow;
devoted charity by which he becomes
warm with love never presses connection.
May we say rightly glory
to the Father and to the Begotten Son
parile(m)que sumat Spi-
rit(us) sanct(us) d(us) unus om-
ni dign*us) honore. Ame(n)
In primo Nocturno Antiph(on
Dum iaceret
Petrus in cunis in
and may the Holy Spirit take equal glory.
one god, worthy of every honor. Amen.
Antiphon sung at the First Nocturn.
While Peter was lying in the cradle.
~Transcription and translation by James T. Svendsen, associate professor emeritus, World Languages and Cultures, The University of Utah
MS chant frag. 5 — Parchment leaves from the Proper of Saints, Feast of the Blessed Peter of Siena (16 March), Vespers/Matins.
~Description by Elizabeth A. Peterson, associate professor, Dept. of Art & Art History, The University of Utah, from Paging Through Medieval Lives, a catalog for an exhibition held November 2, 1997 through January 4, 1998 at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts.
Miguel Ángel Aguado Mesa
Posted at 10:32h, 13 OctoberERROR: No es de san Pedro de Siena sino de san Pedro Nolasco 31 de enero. Antifonario del oficio propio de santos de la Orden de la Merced.