Feb 25, 2022 Patent Public Search Now Available
On February 1, 2022, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) released their new search interface, Patent Public Search. Patent Public Search will replace the internal tools that are used by USPTO patent examiners.
Patent Public Search provides:
- Full-text searching for all U.S. patents since 1976, as well as by patent number back to 1790
- Published U.S. patent applications since March 1, 2001
- OCR scanned pre-1970 U.S. patents
Utah’s Patent and Trademark Resource Center representatives, Alfred Mowdood and Tallie Casucci, can teach you, your research group, and/or your courses about this new tool and patent searching.
Please note that Patent Public Search does not work on mobile phones or tablets, so users should continue to use PatFT and AppFT when on those devices.
Please remember that according to Policy 7-002, university employees and some students should disclose their invention to the PIVOT Center.
To schedule a training session, contact Alfred Mowdood and Tallie Casucci with three days & times you’re available to meet.

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