Jul 13, 2021 7 Films to Watch for Pioneer Day
In Utah, Pioneer Day is a holiday celebrated on the 24th of July to commemorate Brigham Young and Mormon pioneers entering into the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. Here are some film recommendations from Joni Clayton that explore that history and more.
Film recommendations:

Brigham Young (1940)
Starring Vincent Price as Joseph Smith and Dean Jagger as Brigham Young, this is the story of the Mormon pioneers’ long wagon train west to the Salt Lake Valley, let by Brigham Young.

Brigham Young: Architect of Faith (2011)
This episode of Biography looks at Brigham Young, a settler in the American west and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Known at the ‘Mormon Moses’, Young followed founder Joseph Smith as head of the Mormon Church.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (2008)
Dennis Wholey has a conversation about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with Palos Verdes Stake President Maurice Lam. Topics of discussion include the meaning of the term Latter-day Saints, the life and death of Joseph Smith, the core values of the LDS church, and more.

Latter-Day Saints, Finding a Home (Landmarks of Faith) (2000)
In 1846, Brigham Young led the first group of Mormons across the Mississippi on an historic trek to the valley of the Great Salt Lake – the promised land. This is commemorated every July 24th.

Meet the Mormons (2015)
Blair Treu takes viewers on a journey into the day-to-day realities of individuals living in the US, Costa Rica, Nepal and beyond. From their individual passions to their daily struggles, each story paints a rich and unique picture and challenges the stereotypes that surround the Mormon faith.

Mormonism (March of Time) (1937)
A brief overview of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Utah.

Mountain Meadows Massacre (2011)
In the 1830s the Mormons formed a uniquely American religious group and against all odds they carved a prosperous kingdom out of the most inhospitable wilderness. In the midst of this shining heritage hides a dark secret, one of the bloodiest incidents in the history of the frontier.
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