Apr 27, 2016 Portfolios + Fine Arts & Architecture
The end of the spring semester is coming and, for many of our students interested in architecture, this means it is crunch time for submitting applications. Both undergraduate and potential graduate students are doing the difficult work of drawing together a portfolio for entrance into the School of Architecture. The K.W. Dumke Fine Arts & Architecture Library can help! Our collection is filled with books and magazines that will provide professional-level examples, instruct new students in the dos and don’ts in portfolio design, and detail advice given by practicing architects and designers. For example, we have architectural monographs (books put together by firms or individual architects outlining their building projects) from thousands of architects from across the world. By browsing our collection, you will see the evolution of portfolio design throughout the years, as well as the standards that have held true throughout. You can even see monographs by University of Utah faculty. Want to see many examples all in one place? If so, we have multi-volume sets with images and descriptions of hundreds of real-life portfolios. For those looking for detailed instruction, we have books describing the creation of a portfolio step-by-step. We also have titles that specifically describe the process of creating born-digital portfolio that are never intended for print. Finally, we have books on typography and beautiful design practice for those of you who need to brush up! So, remember to visit the Fine Arts & Architecture Library often when you begin to create your own portfolio!
View the original article on the Creativity and Innovation Services Blog
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