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“We have all our elephants to see.” Empire Builders Carol Inderieden and Chandler O’Leary Tacoma, WA: Anagram Press, 2015 N7433.4 I52 E47 2015 From the authors’ essay: “To see the elephant was to embark on a quest for riches and prosperity…The elephant is an illusion, an impossible promise like a...

An inflammatory guide: banned & challenged… Jessica Spring Tacoma, WA: Springtide Press, 2012 xN7433.4 S713 I54 2012 From the colophon: “…printed by hand to commemorate Banned Books Week…” Letterpress printed. Accordion folded pages attached to match-book style binding with staples. View the original article on the OpenBook Blog...

These commentaries are excerpts from an assigned project for Humanities4900/6900, “Indigenous Peoples: Social and Cultural Perspectives,” taught by Isabel Dulfano, Spring semester 2016. Students studied demographics, Mayan epigraphy, Incan kipu, archaeology, linguistics and other topics as an interdisciplinary approach to critically expanding their understanding of...