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“…King Montecuma accompanied with his Nobles, and those of the most distinguished Rank in his Court, entertain’d the Spaniards with all sorts of Divertisements, to testify how mightily they were pleased with their Arrival. The King’s Brother came to meet ’em with a splendid Retinue;...

"I hope, speaking on the part of my companions and myself, that we have done all that we ought to do to prove our tenacity of purpose and devotion to the cause which we have undertaken. This attempt to escape by crossing the southern ice...

تاريخ راشد افندي تاريخ راشد قسطنطنية : ابراهيم من متفرقه كان The first Turkish printing house was established in Istanbul on December 14, 1727. The director of the press was Ibrahim Muteferrika (1674-1745), a Hungarian convert to Islam. In 1726 Muteferrika sent a report on the efficiency of...