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«Лолита , свет моей жизни , огонь моих чресел . Грех mой , душа моя . Ло -ли –та…” Лолита Владимир Набоков (1899-1977) New York: Phaedra, Inc., Publishers, 1967 First hardcover edition in Russian First published in Paris in 1955, then in New York City in 1958 and...

BIBLIA SACRA VETERIS ET NOUI TESTAMENTI… Geneuae: Apud Petrum Santandreanum, MDLXXXIII. 1583 BS75 1583 A reissue, with a different title page, of an edition of François Estienne, Geneva, 1567. The title page of the New Testament bears the imprint: Ex Officina Francisci Stephanii, 1567. This edition was printed...