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“All for the People and all Through the People” — Programma Revolution had been bleeding red on the tongues of Russian citizens for a least a decade before the fateful Autumn of 1917 when the Bolsheviks seized power from Tsar Nicholas II, ending the 300 year...

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="233"] Liber Moamin falconrii de Scientia venandi per aves et quadrupeds[/caption] “In quantum enim sunt reges non habent propriam delectationem nisi venationem” — Moamin “A wise falcon hides his talons.” — Proverb Facsimile. The so-called “Wiener Moamin” was created on the Italian penisula in the...

“Le’sprit qu’on veut avoir gâte celuis qu’on a.” DICTIONNAIRE DES PROVERBES FRANCAIS Pierre de La Mésangère (1761-1831) Paris: Treuttel & Wurz: 1823 Third edition PN6451 L3 1823 Published anonymously in its first and second editions, Pierre de La Mésangère’s Dictionnaire is still in print today. Professor of literature and philosophy at...

HE KAINE DIATHEKE, NOVUM TESTAMENTUM Wigorniae, Massachusettensi: excudebat Isaias Thomas, Jun, 1800 Editio Prima Americana This is the first American printing of the Greek New Testament, considered a milestone in American printing history. Isaiah Thomas’ printing shop was dubbed “the sedition factory,” during the American Revolution. Thomas moved his...

“Rare Books helped me develop a different perspective on literary analysis.” – Lyuba Basin (Class of 2015 and graduate student in Comparative Literature/Cultural Studies, The University of Utah) Lyuba Basin, former Rare Books Curator, writes from Argentina, where she is spending eight months on a Fulbright...

Rare Books is proud to support the Book Arts Program with its collections. For more information about the Book Arts Program and future workshops, visit their website or like them on Facebook. Up-cycled Stories: Books as Process Julianna Christie, Marnie Powers-Torrey & Emily Tipps May 28 Saturday, 10:00–6:00 Book...

These commentaries are excerpts from an assigned project for Humanities4900/6900, “Indigenous Peoples: Social and Cultural Perspectives,” taught by Isabel Dulfano, Spring semester 2016. Students studied demographics, Mayan epigraphy, Incan kipu, archaeology, linguistics and other topics as an interdisciplinary approach to critically expanding their understanding of...