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As if some little Arctic flower Upon the polar hem – Went wandering down the Latitudes Until it puzzled came To continents of summer – To firmaments of sun – To strange, bright crowds of flowers – And birds, of foreign tongue! – Emily Dickinson The Northwest Passage was the name given to the...

“Now sprigs are pricked by bursting buds, and threading the trees the wind’s weft skittles, drops and spurts again, rubbing along the ground to tease old leafings of skittering litter, scratching swirl… Between bettling sky and buxom earth — a mazed and frilling lightning flash! The eye bleaches and goes black. A far-off...

“The white-haired Ziusudra gazes dreaming out to sea. Above his white head, the tall palms dream also, Undulating slowly the green indolence of their leaves. The old man remembers Long days, long since, when he watched other waves Heaving like these, heaving onward eternally, Yet never breaking On any earthly shore; For earth...

“Non ex libris solum, sed ex rebus ipsis scientiam quaeritis.” Gvilielmi gilberti colcestrensis, medici londinensis, de magnete magneticisqve corporibvs, et de magno magnete tellure; phsiologia noua, plurimis & argumentis, & experimentis demonstrata William Gilbert (1540-1603) Londini: excvdebat P. Short, 1600 First edition QC751 G44 1600 This the only published work of...