May 22, 2020 Book of the Week — La Navtica Rilvcente o’ sia Diario Della Navigazione
"God forbid that any native country, whose boast is to be free and happy herself, should cease to afford to the sons and daughters of sorrow, fleeing from the wrongs and miseries of European depotism, a hearty welcome and a happy home!" -- Enoch S....
"That Catesby, Winter, Fawlks with many other Traitours lately attainted of high treason, would blowe vp with Gun-powder in the Parliament house, the King, the Prince, the Lls. Spirituall and Temporall, the Iudges of the realme, the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, and many other subjects...
“Now sprigs are pricked by bursting buds, and threading the trees the wind’s weft skittles, drops and spurts again, rubbing along the ground to tease old leafings of skittering litter, scratching swirl… Between bettling sky and buxom earth — a mazed and frilling lightning flash! The eye bleaches and goes black. A far-off...
“These showings of Intertype “Fotosetter” Garamond mark an important event in the history of Intertype Corporation. All of the composition was produced on an Intertype Fotosetter photographic line-composing machine. The original film positives were used to make deep-etch lithographic plates, from which this booklet was...
“Also mein allerliebster bruder, sterck dich ynn dem Hern und sey gestrost ynn seiner mechtigen krafft, auff das du erkennest, tragest, liebest, und lobest aus gutwilligem hertzen, den veterlichen willen Gottes. Du werdest ledig odder nicht. Das du aber solches vermogest zu ehren seines heyligen...
HE KAINE DIATHEKE, NOVUM TESTAMENTUM Wigorniae, Massachusettensi: excudebat Isaias Thomas, Jun, 1800 Editio Prima Americana This is the first American printing of the Greek New Testament, considered a milestone in American printing history. Isaiah Thomas’ printing shop was dubbed “the sedition factory,” during the American Revolution. Thomas moved his...
BIBLIA SACRA VETERIS ET NOUI TESTAMENTI… Geneuae: Apud Petrum Santandreanum, MDLXXXIII. 1583 BS75 1583 A reissue, with a different title page, of an edition of François Estienne, Geneva, 1567. The title page of the New Testament bears the imprint: Ex Officina Francisci Stephanii, 1567. This edition was printed...
Letterpress Printing: Text + Image Crane Giamo, Instructor June 14—August 2 Tuesdays, 5:00—8:00 Book Arts Studio, J. Willard Marriott Library, Level 4 $340, register here. Get a handle on what it takes to crank out an edition of gorgeous letterpress prints. This active, eight-week class introduces the fundamentals of letterpress, from...
TRAITTE DES DIUERTISSEMENS, INCLINATIONS, &… Potier de Morais (fl. 1644-1670) Paris: Pierre Moreau, 1644 Only edition DC133.32 P64 1644 Set in the exotic Orient, this novel on the education of a prince was written for and dedicated to six-year-old Louis XIV. Potier de Morais added pedagogy on the art of...