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“…King Montecuma accompanied with his Nobles, and those of the most distinguished Rank in his Court, entertain’d the Spaniards with all sorts of Divertisements, to testify how mightily they were pleased with their Arrival. The King’s Brother came to meet ’em with a splendid Retinue;...

““The highest mountain, the oldest books, the strangest people, there you will find the stone.” — Attributed to Athanasius Kircher Athanasii Kircheri Societatis Iesu Magnes; sive, de arte magnetica Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) Romae: sumptibus Blasii Deuersin, & Zanobii Masotti Bibliopolarum typis Vitalis Mascarditypis V. Mascardi, MDCLIV (1654) Third and...