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Quodcumque vinclis super ter- ram strinxeris, erit in astris reli- gatum fortiter. And whatever with bonds you shall have bound upon earth will be bound strongly in heaven. Et quod resolvis in terris arbitrio, e- rit solutum super radium. In fi- ne mundi iudex And what you unbind/loosen on earth will be loosened upon in heaven on your authority....

Laudemus virum gloiosu(m) et parentem nostrum ardentissimam eius charitatem imitar-ri Let us praise the glorious man and our parent/founder; let us try to imitate his most ardent charity, conemus qui exaudi- vit paupieres vinctos in mendicitate et fe- rro. Salvavit eos de manu odientium et who heard the poor bound in poverty and by the sword; he saved them from the hand of those...

Join performance artist Guillermo Gómez-Peña with cameos by Balitronica Gómez for a showcase of his latest solo work, The Most (un) Documented Mexican Artist, a unique perspective on the immediate future of the Americas. With his performance troupe La Pocha Nostra, Gómez-Peña offers critical and humorous commentary about the art...