Feb 13, 2017 Utilizing Google Earth Within Geospatial Projects
Google Earth – a unique and innovative program for visualizing locations on the Earth within a virtual, 3-dimensional environment. Many of us have used this program for locating places or obtaining information, but did you know the tools within this program can be utilized for research, data visualization and project presentation?
Through a user-friendly and universally accessible platform, Google Earth offers features allowing you to:
- Develop and present information through the creation of cartographic features
- Examine locations in detail through high-resolution satellite and street level imagery
- Understand physical features through 3-dimesional models and elevation data
GIS Services has created a series of video tutorials designed to introduce you to the different tools and features found in Google Earth that will assist you in creating and presenting your information in a geospatial context. Video tutorials in this series include the following:
- An Introduction to the Series
- Part 1: Windows, Navigation Controls, and Tools
- Part 2: Creating Folders
- Part 3: Creating Placemarks
- Part 4: Creating Polygons
- Part 5: Creating Paths
- Part 6: Creating and Recording Tours
- Part 7: Creating Image Overlays
- Part 8: Saving, Sharing and Presenting Your Project
For project ideas, please visit the GIS Services website to view our portfolio of projects created using Google Earth, ArcGIS and other geospatial programs. You can also learn more about Google Earth and other software programs through our training materials section or by scheduling an appointment for collaborative assistance on a project you are developing.
Justin Sorensen | GIS Specialist
Creativity & Innovation Services / GIS Services
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