Jan 30, 2018 Video and Audio Production Services for Campus Departments
The Media Studios in the J. Willard Marriott Library were conceived and designed for research and learning services. The demand; however, to support scholars and departmental projects has increased over the last 5 years. We will soon officially launch a new video and audio production service for the campus community and related partners.
We will provide creative support for projects from start to finish. From planning and conceptualization through final post production and distribution, our services can provide tailored support for any department regardless of project size. Support for production is provided both on & offsite. We have two professional studios in the Marriott Library and support staff to manage your project from start to finish.
Our professional staff has decades of experience in audio and video production.
Projects may include:
- Media evidence for grant funded projects
- College and Departmental PR media projects
- Media of new technology development and commercialization opportunities
- Audio books
Our fees and policies are being finalized and will be published soon.
For projects such as event production and online learning, please see TLT here. To capture events in the Marriott Library, please contact our A/V Services here.
To discuss project ideas, please contact:
Tony Sams
(801) 585-9780
View the original article on the Creativity and Innovation Services Blog
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