Sep 04, 2019 We Recommend — Risograph Training, A Book Arts Program Workshop
“The institutes for new apparatuses”
While Trodding
Clifton Meador
Boone, NC: Clifton Meador, Appalachian State University, 2016
N7433.4 M43 W45 2016
From the artist’s statement: “During a residency in the Truukimuseuum (a printing history museum in Tartu, Estonia…I became interested in the narratives embedded in Soviet-period photo books. Many of these books seemed to embody cold war narratives of surveillance and paranoia, hidden in banal images of everyday tourist sites. I re-photographed several of these books which have become projects on their own.
“But one book in particular, a friendly tourist book from the period of the Soviet occupation of Estonia (first from 1940 to 1941, then from 1944 to 1991), Oswvald Tooming’s Matkates Mööda Kodumaad, 1964 (Hiking Through the Homeland), was full of captions that suggested readings other than simple observations of Estonia. I edited fragments of these captions and I set out to make my own guidebook of the walk from my apartment in Tartu to the train station, printed in such a way as to make the images nearly unrecognizable as possible.”
From the colophon: Printed in four-color risography in non-standard process. Case-bound in a digitally-printed cotton cloth…Printed and produced…on a Risograph and a digital press by Clifton Meador and Jason Wright.” Rare Books copy is unsigned and unnumbered.
Risograph Training
Crane Giamo
September 7
Session One: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
This Section is full. To be placed on a waitlist, please email us!
Session Two: Saturday, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Register here
What is a RISO duplicator, and why is it suddenly all the rage? The RISO is a Japanese stencil duplicator that blends the functionality of photocopying with the artistry of screenprinting. In this training, participants learn the requisite skills and best practices for risograph printing by printing a previously designed project. After completing the training, participants are invited to apply for independent studio use here, and for a fee of $5/half hour, approved applicants are eligible to use the RISO for their own projects.
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