Mar 07, 2018 Western Name Authority File Presentation
In 2016, we were fortunate to receive funding from IMLS to work on a project titled “Linking People: Developing Collaborative Regional Vocabularies.” Over the past two years, Anna Neatrour and Jeremy Myntti have been hard at work on this project to develop the Western Name Authority File, a controlled vocabulary of personal names and corporate bodies used in digital collections metadata from institutions in the Western United States. A few of these names exist in the Library of Congress Name Authority File, but the vast majority of them do not.
We have presented about the project at many conferences (e.g. ALA Annual and Midwinter, DLF Forum, OLAC Conference, DPLAFest, MashCat). Click here to view our latest presentation from the Linked Library Data Interest Group meeting held during ALA Midwinter 2018 in Denver, CO.
We are nearing the end of this 2 year pilot project, so watch for more updates soon on the outcomes of the project and our next steps.
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