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Print Appreciation Drop-in Session! November 11, 1:00PM-8:00PM J. Willard Marriott Library, Book Arts Studio, Level 4 Come help the Book Arts Program celebrate letterpress printing! With a variety of printing plates and type locked-up on the presses, guest printers (that's you!) can create cards from modular elements overprinted...

      “A catt may look on a king” Lexicon Tetraglotton, an English-French-Italian-Spanish… James Howell (1594? – 1666) London: Printed by J.G. for Samuel Thompson, 1660 First and only edition James Howell, born in Wales and educated at Oxford, began his literary career in 1640 with the political allegory, Dendrologia: Dodona’s...

“Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before” THE RAVEN Edgar Allan Poe (1909-1949) Easthampton, MA: Cheloniidae Press, 1980 This is the first book from Alan James Robinson and his Cheloniidae Press. Text is hand-set and printed by Harold McGrath in Bruce Rogers’ 24pt. Centaur type in...

Ski Affair, A Benefit for the Utah Ski Archives Nov 1, 6:00 PM Little America Hotel, 500 S. Main St. $75.00 per person / $1,500 for a table of 10 Tickets: Purchase HERE  When the University of Utah’s J. Willard Marriott Library opens the book on its 2016 Ski Affair...

October 3rd marked the official launch of the Downwinders of Utah Archive, created by the library’s GIS Specialist, Justin Sorensen. We celebrated with two events, which attracted a number of people including students, individuals as well as members of the media. ...

Maud May Babcock (1867-1954) graduated from the National School of Oratory of Philadelphia and the Lyceum School of Acting, now the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City. She was an instructor at various institutions including Harvard University, Engleside School for Girls, Rutgers...

One recent project we worked on with the College of Special Education (SPED) started with a brief phone conversation about our services. We typically support research and learning services for students, staff, and faculty but the Video Studio at the J Willard Marriott Library has...

The book project that I am currently working on is called The Quickest Forever. Similar to how some poets build their poems on references to others’ writing, I enjoy having a conversation with other moments or people in history with my artist book projects. It...

“Where books are burned, in the end people will be burned too.” — Heinrich Heine, 1823 Celsius 233 Philip Zimmermann Tuscon, AZ: Spaceheater Editions, 2015 N7433.4 Z55 C45 2015 From the artist: I started doing research on the history of book-burning after seeing a video posted by the Islamic State/Daesh...

“We have all our elephants to see.” Empire Builders Carol Inderieden and Chandler O’Leary Tacoma, WA: Anagram Press, 2015 N7433.4 I52 E47 2015 From the authors’ essay: “To see the elephant was to embark on a quest for riches and prosperity…The elephant is an illusion, an impossible promise like a...