Jan 27, 2020 Book of the Week — Constitutional Equality A Right of Woman
“…let us remember that while the various unphilosophic, unfortunate and incongruous conditions of women are receiving separate and divided attention from separate and divided efforts, these, good and acceptable as they are in themselves, may fail to do all that is expected of them. At the same time let it be remembered that reforms, based upon principles and ideas, and which deal with causes, though their seeming progress may be slow, are as certain as the coming sun’s rising, or the ebb and flow of old ocean’s mighty tidal breathings.”
Constitutional Equlity a Right of Woman; or a
Tennessee Celeste Claflin (1845-1923)
New York: Woodhull, Claflin & Co., 1871
First edition
JK1901 C7 1871
Tennie Clafin, later Lady Cook, Viscountess of Montserrat, was a flamboyant American suffragette, known for being one of the first women to open a Wall Street brokerage. She is rumored to have been backed by Cornelius Vanderbilt in this effort, and was possibly his lover. She favored legalized prostitution and believed that women should serve in the military. She ran for Congress in the state of New York. Her sister, Victoria Woodhull (1838-1927), was the first women to run for the American Presidency. In Constitutional Equality, Claflin argues that “both sexes are born equal, possessed of the same essential germinal qualities of character, conscience and intellect, and entitled to the same blessing of growth and development, the reception of which would conduce to their continual equality.” Bound in publisher’s reddish-brown cloth with front cover and spine stamped in gilt.
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