Apr 30, 2020 Dean’s Message, May 2020
Springing into Action
Spring 2020—It has been a different ending to the spring semester, with most students, staff, and faculty teaching, working, and learning in settings away from campus. But while the library buildings may be closed, the libraries are open — virtually. We are offering online assistance to students, staff, and faculty while also helping to meet the needs of both the campus and the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are a few of our projects:
Face Shields – The libraries worked with University health leaders to design and 3D print face shields for medical workers.
Laptop Lending – The libraries led a campus-wide effort to lend laptops to students in need, even mailing them to students.
COVID-19 Digital Archive – The libraries created a COVID-19 Digital Archive to capture stories from individuals about living in the age of COVID-19. Learn how you can submit your photos and stories.
Health Literacy Guide – Thinking about the research needs of our community and our students, we created this page to allow individuals to connect with librarians to help them navigate COVID-19.
Working through the many challenges at this unprecedented time has made me appreciate the tremendous strength in our campus leaders, our faculty and staff, and our students. And it has reminded me of how resilient, nimble, and dedicated we all are. Indeed, when faced with adversity, the libraries remain “All U Need.”

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