Oct 08, 2020 Dean’s Message, October 2020
Remembering the Past As We Envision the Future
With the historical Vice Presidential Debate held last week on the U’s campus and the upcoming presidential election just days away, this is an opportune time to reflect on the democratic process and to remember important milestones from the past. Hence, there is no better time to peruse materials in Special Collections that speak to our own state’s history of politics and public policy.
Holdings in Special Collections are vast and rich, spanning across Manuscripts, Rare Books, Multimedia, and Print and Journal divisions. Here are just a few gems that you can find in Special Collections:
- Politics in the Making: A Glimpse of Political Happenings Through the Rare Books Lens: HERE
- Writings on Women’s Suffrage: HERE
- JFK at Flaming Gorge Dam: HERE
- First Woman to serve as Treasurer of the United States: The Ivy Baker Priest Papers can be accessed HERE
Be safe, be well, and remember that the Marriott Library is here for you with “All U Need.”
Warmest regards,

Alberta Comer
Dean of Libraries

Dennis L. Lythgoe
Posted at 18:39h, 12 OctoberI have my papers in U Special Collections & sometime ago I mailed my new memoir to you to be added to the collection but heard NOTHING about receipt of the memoir. DO you HAVE IT? THANKS!