Sep 18, 2017 Exploring Utah’s National Historic Landmarks and Register of Historic Places
The Map of the Week for September 18th explores various historic landmarks and locations found throughout the State of Utah that fall under the National Historic Preservation Act, passed in 1966 to aid in preserving places, sites, features, and structures deemed worthy of this designation. #MapMonday
Exploring Utah’s National Historic Landmarks and Register of Historic Places
Maps of this nature begin through the development of a spreadsheet or database, including attribute data related to names, dates, important information, links, and the physical location of each landmark or location. The location components present themselves in the form of street addresses (street, city, state, and zip code) or geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). Utilizing the geocoding tools of GIS (Geographic Information Systems), the completed spreadsheet is imported as a .CSV file allowing ArcGIS to process the data and return a layer displaying individual data points on an interactive map. Bringing the new layer into one of many interactive web mapping applications found in ArcGIS Online, the data representing historic landmarks and locations can be presented, visualized, and searched by viewers using various filtering widgets that return results based on attributes contained within the original spreadsheet or database.
Interested in geocoding data for a project you are developing? GIS Services is available to collaboratively support your research and aid in the development of geospatial resources. Additionally, ArcGIS offers numerous tutorials on geospatial processes, including geocoding, to get you started. A tutorial related to geocoding addresses can be accessed through the link below:
About Map of the Weeks from GIS Services:
Throughout the semester, GIS Services will continue releasing bi-weekly maps on a variety of topics for the purpose of demonstrating ideas and uses for incorporating geospatial technology into research and projects you are developing. To view our collection of maps, projects or to learn about the geospatial services offered through the Marriott Library, please visit the GIS Services website @ www.lib.utah.edu/services/geospatial
Happy Mapping!
Justin Sorensen | GIS Specialist
Creativity & Innovation Services / GIS Services
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