Oct 10, 2019 Need a Textbook Recommendation?
It’s hard to pick a textbook nowadays. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was someone who could personalize a recommendation for you? Good news! Allyson Mower, Associate Librarian, has been helping faculty members find and choose textbooks for their curriculum for almost a year now and she’s ready to help you.
“Books are fun and textbooks are even more fun!” says Mower. “With the wide variety of choices available for faculty to use, it’s hard to pick just one. I’m here to help with that!” Allyson has been meeting with professors to help evaluate price, quality, and other factors involved in the curriculum curating process. While the library has many already available to view and checkout, it’s often helpful to see other options that can be obtained.
One faculty member, Andrea Ash, PhD, a Research Assistant Professor in Communication Sciences & Disorders, has found the service especially helpful. “I have been hesitant to use some out of print textbooks because the cost can rise so quickly on out of print books once a class of 40 people starts purchasing them. I was referred to Allyson Mower by Lorelei Rutledge (my department librarian- who is also amazing), who told me that Allyson would know exactly how to help me best handle this issue.” Mower responded to Ash and met with her in person to look over the options that were available. “She showed me exactly where I could find copyright information on my textbooks. Allyson acted as a liaison with the bookstore to articulate what I needed. I would never have known to do this on my own.”
In addition to helping find the textbook that works the best, Allyson Mower also shares resources on textbook finding websites and more that can be helpful for faculty. “Allyson is an amazing resource and I feel fortunate to have such great support from our librarians.”
If you want more information, contact Allyson Mower at allyson.mower@utah.edu or (801)585-5458.
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Check out one of our upcoming events that focuses on choosing films from our databases to incorporate them into your curriculum.
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