Feb 08, 2016 University Design Students Create New Recycling Signage
During spring semester of 2014, in Art 4695 Sustainable Design Practice, graphic design student Tony Chin developed a new set of graphics for the quad recycling bins located in the Marriott Library. The idea was that with a more innovative approach to the design, more people would notice the recycling bins and use them properly.
This prototype was implemented in the first floor quad recycling bins in the Marriott Library during summer 2014. Through observational research conducted after this change, it was evident that there was an increase in recycling in the bins that exhibited the new graphics. In addition, less contaminates were found in the bins. Students and staff responded positively to this change.
As a result, the Marriott Library’s Green Committee expressed interest in implementing new graphics on the remaining quad recycling bins in the Library. During the spring 2015 session of this class, students came up with new graphics for the bins. They worked with the Marriott Library’s Green Committee to ultimately select three new designs to be implemented on each of the three main floors of the library. It is our hope that these new designs will continue to draw more attention to the quad recycling bins, and encourage proper recycling amongst patrons of the library, while featuring student artwork that is both informative and eye catching.
Funding for this project was generously provided by the University of Utah’s Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund (SCIF). New bin designs were created by Amber Mott (first floor), Tara Austin (second floor) and Jared Perry (third floor); production assistance provided by community engaged learning liaison, Melissa Wise. The project director and faculty advisor for this project was Carol Sogard, Associate Professor in the Department of Art & Art History.
Amy Brunvand
Posted at 16:46h, 22 AprilMore on the recycling bin project: https://sustainableutah.wordpress.com/2016/04/22/whats-in-and-whats-out-recycling-education-at-the-u/
Posted at 13:29h, 05 DecemberWhat lovely clear signage! If only all bins were labelled like this.
Allysa Maudy
Posted at 17:59h, 10 JanuaryThe attractive design gives me inspiration to apply it in my place