Jul 29, 2020 Saving Students Time and Money: Ask Us How!

Let’s face it: Students have it tough right now. Want to lighten their load by finding a textbook that won’t cost them a dime? Just ask librarian Allyson Mower if she can find a good ebook to replace that pricey old paper book.
Right now the library is providing a limited time offer to purchase e-textbooks as they are made available from the publisher. If your textbook is not available, Allyson will work with you on finding a suitable ebook replacement. More than 30 instructors have signed-up for fall semester, saving each student in a class an average of $61.00.
Depending upon the number of students in the class and the cost of the original book, the savings could be much higher. If you’re interested in learning more about how the library can save your students money, contact Allyson at Allyson.mower@utah.edu by Friday, August 14.
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