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Virescit vulnere virtus (Virtue grows stronger from being wounded) Orontii finei delphinatis, regii mathematicarvm professoris, de solaribus horologiis… Oronce Fine (1494-1555) Parisiis: apud Gulielmum Cauellat, 1560 First edition QB215 F55 1560 Oronce Fine was the son of a physician who drew, in part, upon astrology for his medicine, as was the...

"Concise Algebra easily described, which brings forth the great wonders of arithmetic" "[R]omance is a reaction from the algebra" -- Booth Tarkington Algebrae compendiosa facilisqve descriptio, qua depromuntur magna Arithmetices miracula Johann Scheubel (1494-1570) Parisiis: Apud Gulielmum Cauellat, 1551 First edition DR507 V54 1530 Johann Scheubel was born in Kirchheim unter Teck,...