Jul 19, 2019 Today, Rare Books. Tomorrow, the Moon!
“Treading the soil of the moon, palpating its pebbles, tasting the panic and splendor of the event, feeling in the pit of one's stomach the separation from terra...
“Treading the soil of the moon, palpating its pebbles, tasting the panic and splendor of the event, feeling in the pit of one's stomach the separation from terra...
Viewe of a seditious bul sent into Englande, from Pius...
“The Queene of Scotland is your prisoner, let her be honorably entreated, but yet surely guarded.” – William Parry A true and plaine declaration of the horrible… At London by C. Barker Cum priuilegio, 1585 First edition, second issue A contemporary report of William Parry’s plot to assassinate Queen...
"Deliver us from fear and favor; from mean hopes and cheap pleasures. Have mercy on each in his deficiency; let him not be cast down; support the stumbling on the way, and give at last rest to the weary." -- Robert Louis Stevenson Prayers Written at...
"That Catesby, Winter, Fawlks with many other Traitours lately attainted of high treason, would blowe vp with Gun-powder in the Parliament house, the King, the Prince, the Lls. Spirituall and Temporall, the Iudges of the realme, the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, and many other subjects...
“There is a power in combined enlightened sentiment and sympathy before which every form of injustice and cruelty must finally go down.” – Harriett Beecher Stowe, 1874 LES MORMONS (SAINTS DES DERNIERS-JOURS) ET LEUR… Thomas Brown Holmes Stenhouse (1825-1882) Lausanne: Imprimerie Larpin et Coendoz, 1854 First edition BX8635 S74 1854 T....