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"[W]e will put woman suffrage in the Constitution; we will strike the fetters from the wrists of our wives, mothers, sisters and daughters; we will grant them the boon already granted to the black man under the pledge of the declaration that 'all men are...

“We protest against the movement to deprive us of the elective franchise, which we have exercised for over fifteen years. What have we done that we should thus be treated as felons? Our only crime is that we have not voted as our persecutors dictate....

Conquistador Zion’s National Park From his rock bed the lost conquistador Rises to rub sand from his sun-struck eyes And sees, rising above the desert floor, Familiar landmarks under the strange skies. Awake in the lost homeland of his sleep, Traveler returned, no longer vagabond, He treads a red world, sights a castle...