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The Topolski Visualization Project

The Map of the Week for October 2nd introduces scholars to the wide-ranging work of acclaimed artist Feliks Topolski as well as the artist’s self-published opus of over 25-years entitled: “The Topolski Chronicle“, available for viewing through the Fine Arts & Architecture Library. #MapMonday

The Topolski Visualization Project

The Chronicle is a visual record of the remarkable life of artist Feliks Topolski and other unique views of world events during the time of its publication from 1953 to 1979. Currently, this project contains only a small percentage of the 3000 drawings that make up the Chronicle; however, drawings have been included that demonstrate the diversity of the work and contain at least one image from each issue held by the library.

Through this project, viewers can browse the collection through the use of the interactive map while limiting results with tags on the left-hand side of the screen. Viewers who wish to view the Chronicle in person may do so by making a request at the Marriott Library’s Knowledge Commons desk.

This project is a collaborative work of the Creativity & Innovation Services Department. Comments or suggestions are welcome and can be sent to Luke Leither at:

About Map of the Weeks from GIS Services:

Throughout the semester, GIS Services will continue releasing bi-weekly maps on a variety of topics for the purpose of demonstrating ideas and uses for incorporating geospatial technology into research and projects you are developing. To view our collection of maps, projects or to learn about the geospatial services offered through the Marriott Library, please visit the GIS Services website @

Happy Mapping!

Justin Sorensen | GIS Specialist
Creativity & Innovation Services / GIS Services

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