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Fall 2024 Features

As the fall semester begins, the J. Willard Marriott Library continues to find new ways to enhance the campus experience for students. The Marriott Library is excited to introduce a new space for musical creativity in the Katherine W. Dumke Fine Arts & Architecture Library!  

Curious about 3d printing, virtual reality, artificial intelligence or even making your own clothes? Not sure where to start? “Exploring Experiential Technology” is a new workshop series at the J. Willard Marriott Library that highlights handson tools and AI resources.

Every year, the American Library Association compiles data on challenges and bans to books nationwide in preparation for Banned Books Week.  The J. Willard Marriott Library celebrates this week through tabling events, displays and a featured speaker. This year, associate professor and author Emily Knox will be speaking on the topic of “Book Banning, the Culture War and the Election.”  

In Spring 2024, a Marriott Library Ad Hoc Selections Committee invited all members of the University of Utah community to submit specific, big-ticket, one-time purchase suggestions to enhance Marriott Library’s research and teaching collections. These are some of the highlights of the suggestions purchased.

Between Spirit and Matter is an installation of performance pieces and ritual artifacts by the Utan-based artist Beth Krensky. An acclaimed art educator and maker, her work draws upon Mircea Eliade’s definition of sanctuaries as “doors of the gods’ and hence places of passage between heaven and earth.” Krensky embraces the inherent liminality of these transitional plains in an effort to sanctify bodies, spaces, and objects through her artistic process.