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By TJ Ferrill Photo created using DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI: Chat bots have been all the rage lately, and there’s little question as to why. With the recent research preview release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, many translation tasks are suddenly a textbox away. Describe a thing...

By Luke Leither Visitors to the Knowledge Commons in the last two months may have noticed a large vacancy on the North side. The Materials Collection, which occupied that space with eye-catching colors and textures is no longer there. Fortunately, there is no cause to be...

Come join us at the library’s 2023 Women’s Week event. You can hear great speakers, ask questions, and come away with new ideas on how to enact anti-violence policies. All of the books on this list will be on display during the event along with...

As pioneers headed west in the mid-1800s, secured in their covered wagons were treasures of books, maps, and scientific charts for their trek across the country to now present-day Salt Lake City. Within these pioneer treasures were two one-of-a-kind globes known as the "Malby Globes,"...

"At a time when the proliferation of cheap newspapers and magazines was designed to strike the lowest common denominator of popular taste, the Tobacco Plant did its substantial bit to maintain a lively interest in literary topics among ordinary middle-class readers. Seldom, before or since,...