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Members of the Digital Library Services group and the Digital Infrastructure Development group frequently collaborate on projects, and we often publish and present about the improvements we've made in the digital library over the years. Here's a selected list of publications and presentations that showcase...

Everything Speaks In Its Own Way Sara Langworthy 2003 N7433.4 L355 E8 2003 Printed from photopolymer plates and linoleum on blotters using a Vandercook press. Drum leaf binding. Edition of twenty copies. Rare Books copy is no. 14, signed by the author/bookmaker. New Patterns in Old Style Sara Langworthy Oxford, IA: Sara...

Last month, a Map of the Week was released demonstrating how topographic models can be examined within a digital environment. Taking our research to the next level, what happens when we bring these digital models into the physical world? The answer may spark your interest...

“Non ex libris solum, sed ex rebus ipsis scientiam quaeritis.” Gvilielmi gilberti colcestrensis, medici londinensis, de magnete magneticisqve corporibvs, et de magno magnete tellure; phsiologia noua, plurimis & argumentis, & experimentis demonstrata William Gilbert (1540-1603) Londini: excvdebat P. Short, 1600 First edition QC751 G44 1600 This the only published work of...

  Greetings, I just returned from the American Library Association Midwinter Conference held in Denver, Colorado. I was there to attend national committee meetings; however, in-between those gatherings, I did what everyone does at a large conference: pick up the convention guide and look for interesting professional...

After working five years in Digital Operations, Cedar Gonzalez has been hired to work by the Fourth Street Clinic as a Community Health Worker. She’ll be working with the SLC homeless communities to help make sure “their basic health care needs are met.”...

This April, we’ll be celebrating the diversity found in the various databases that you have access to as a student! From April 2nd to the 5th, we’ll be on Level 2 highlighting a different database along with some treats and crafts. It will be a...