May 22, 2020 Book of the Week — La Navtica Rilvcente o’ sia Diario Della Navigazione
Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there Which seek thro' the world, is ne'er met elsewhere Home! Home! Sweet, sweet home! There's no place like home There's no place like home! An...
And when he opened the fourthe seale I herde the voyce of the fourthe beste saye: come and se. And I loked and beholde a grene horsse and his name that sat on him was deeth and hell folowed after him and power was geven...
And how Death is that remedy all singers dream of, sing, remember, prophesy as in the Hebrew Anthem, or the Buddhist Book of Answers—and my own imagination of a withered leaf—at dawn— Dreaming back thru life, Your time—and mine accelerating toward Apocalypse, the final moment—the flower burning in the...
"I will not, I must not believe that the all-just, all-merciful, all-good God can be such a Being as I find him there described. He! He! to have created mankind liable to fall - to have laid them in the way of temptation under which...
The decent and loyal people of America, Caught by their own loyalty, fouled, gouged and bled To feed the power-hunger of politicians and make trick fortunes For swindlers and collaborators. Caught by their own loyalty, fouled, gouged and bled To feed the power-hunger of politicians and make trick fortunes For swindlers...
"[I]n this year of Presidential nominations and political campaigns, we announce our determination to support no party, by whatever name called, unless such party shall, in its platform, first emphatically endorse our demand for a recognition of the exact and permanent political equality of all...
"[W]e will put woman suffrage in the Constitution; we will strike the fetters from the wrists of our wives, mothers, sisters and daughters; we will grant them the boon already granted to the black man under the pledge of the declaration that 'all men are...
SHHHHHH! is a digital exhibition based on a physical exhibition in the Special Collections Gallery on display between September 9, 2015 and November 1, 2015. The exhibition marked Banned Books Week. Rare Books presented books, pamphlets, newspapers, and magazines that were banned, forbidden, censored, redacted, expurgated,...
Persons who have travelled much on the continent are well aware that our neighbours have the art of throwing much more variety and gratification of the palate into the article of subsistence which has been emphatically called the staff of life, than we possess. The...