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Virescit vulnere virtus (Virtue grows stronger from being wounded) Orontii finei delphinatis, regii mathematicarvm professoris, de solaribus horologiis… Oronce Fine (1494-1555) Parisiis: apud Gulielmum Cauellat, 1560 First edition QB215 F55 1560 Oronce Fine was the son of a physician who drew, in part, upon astrology for his medicine, as was the...

“At two P.M we set sail, and the men voluntarily launched out to make a traverse of fifteen miles across Melville Sound, before a strong wind and heavy sea. The privation of food, under which our voyagers were then laboring, absorbed every other terror; otherwise...

“Now sprigs are pricked by bursting buds, and threading the trees the wind’s weft skittles, drops and spurts again, rubbing along the ground to tease old leafings of skittering litter, scratching swirl… Between bettling sky and buxom earth — a mazed and frilling lightning flash! The eye bleaches and goes black. A far-off...

“[Joseph] Banks reported in 1788 to the British East India Company that the climate in parts of northeast India was perfect for growing Camillia sinensis, the bush that produces tea leaves. The plant turned out to be indigenous to the Assam area, which eventually became...