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““The highest mountain, the oldest books, the strangest people, there you will find the stone.” — Attributed to Athanasius Kircher Athanasii Kircheri Societatis Iesu Magnes; sive, de arte magnetica Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) Romae: sumptibus Blasii Deuersin, & Zanobii Masotti Bibliopolarum typis Vitalis Mascarditypis V. Mascardi, MDCLIV (1654) Third and...

HE KAINE DIATHEKE, NOVUM TESTAMENTUM Wigorniae, Massachusettensi: excudebat Isaias Thomas, Jun, 1800 Editio Prima Americana This is the first American printing of the Greek New Testament, considered a milestone in American printing history. Isaiah Thomas’ printing shop was dubbed “the sedition factory,” during the American Revolution. Thomas moved his...